News & Updates

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5 Good Reasons to Register Your Business Business & entertainment attorney, Lorraine Galvis, Esq., discusses 5 good reasons why current business owners and those thinking of starting a new business should register their business…
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Our Winter Newsletter (January 2023)

There is a lot of news to share at Galvis & Co.® to start 2023! We've opened a new branch location in CT, with another office in New London on the way this upcoming Spring. Plus, we are officially welcoming a new member to our team—Christine…
How to Properly Launch NFTs to Grow Your Business in the Metaverse
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How to Properly Launch NFTs to Grow Your Business in the Metaverse

Several major companies like Lowe’s, Lego, UnderArmour, Acura, and Tommy Hilfiger & DKNY, have been turning to the metaverse to grow their current businesses by creating and using NFTs to expand their offering of products and services…
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PG, La Agencia Announce Strategic Alliance

It's our privilege to announce that one of our long-time sports clients, Dominican-owned and operated player agency, La Agencia JA, has officially partnered with Perfect Game USA, the "world’s largest youth baseball and softball platform…
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Have you received a “cease-and-desist” letter from New York’s Office of Cannabis Management?

If you received a “cease-and-desist'' letter (commonly referred to as a “C&D”) in the mail from New York’s Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”), fear not, but pay attention. You have received the C&D because the OCM…
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How do I Protect My NFT?

By Lorraine Galvis, Esq. NFTs, or “non-fungible tokens”, are fairly new to the marketplace, but growing in popularity at a record pace. From a legal perspective, there is still much to be learned about this developing technology…

Galvis & Company

Lorraine Galvis is an experienced business and entertainment attorney based in New York City, representing entrepreneurs and small- to medium-sized businesses.

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